Thursday, May 2, 2024

Omer 2024 Day 9

Day 9: Gevurah in Gevurah, Strength in Strength

There are many types of strength, as we will explore over the course of this week of gevurah and over the course of the omer. As we delve into the layers of strength within strength, it becomes apparent that there are various ways we can amplify our strengths within our lives.

Earlier this week, when I asked my daughters what strength means, they both made a muscle. Physical strength is often the most visible and obvious form of strength. Engaging in activities that strengthen our bodies, not only builds muscle but also boosts our endurance and overall happiness (think about all those endorphins). One of the constant complaints we hear from the Israelites in the desert is about their physical discomfort: the lack of food and water, the heat of the desert and the years of wandering. And once they make it to Israel, they will turn in fear of the physical size of the land's inhabitants, and refuse to enter. The fear of being weaker than their opponents will condemn them to another 40 years in the desert.

It is emotional strength that enables us to weather the storms of life without losing our sense of self. Having emotional strength is about being self-aware. It provides us with the perspective that helps us see the different layers of strength within ourselves and move forward with confidence in the world. The Israelites who saw themselves as grasshoppers compared to the giants living in the land of Israel could have used more emotional strength to help them manage their fears.

By recognizing our strengths and working to strengthen those aspects of ourselves that we see as weaker, we can overcome challenges and grow.

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