Monday, May 6, 2024

Omer 2024 Day 13

Day 13: Yesod within Gevurah, Connection within Strength/Justice

Today is Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is incumbent upon each of us to never forget the atrocities of the Holocaust, to recall the lives of those who were murdered, and to lift up the voices of survivors. This day reminds us to maintain our connection to the past and not let it recede into a distant and detached other time and place. We have lessons to learn from this history. Painful lessons about hate and oppression and humanity's capacity for violence. Inspiring lessons about resilience and courage and humanity's capacity for hope. We are strengthened by these connections to the past, even when the memories are painful. And it is our responsibility to carry the memories of those who were murdered, to maintain the connection between their lives and ours, and strengthen our resolve to fight evil and injustice in their names. 

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