Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Omer 2024 Day 28

Day 28: Malchut in Netzach, Leadership in Endurance

This week, we've focused on patience, resilience, and transformation as forms of endurance. These qualities not only sustain us individually but also fortify our communities and institutions. In years past, I've used the concept of Malchut in Netzach to examine leaders throughout history whose legacies have endured or who have risen to leadership in trying times. This year, though, I want to shift the spotlight from these great leaders to the essential role each of us plays in holding our leaders accountable.

Our communities and institutions endure not only by the power of visionary leaders who steer the ship, but also because of the dedicated individuals who show up with their passions and voices. This enduring legacy is a collective effort that keeps us (and our leaders) pointed in the right direction. Great leaders should thrive not in isolation, but within the context of engaged constituencies.

This year, let's focus on the power we each hold as individuals. Let us embrace our responsibilities, exercise patience and resilience, and strive to change ourselves and our communities for the better.

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