Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Omer 2024 Day 29

Day 29: Chesed in Hod, Lovingkindness in Glory/Humility/Splendor/Gratitude

The week of hod is a week of complicated feelings. If your journey of transformation hasn't been complicated yet, this is the week it gets real. How do you embody glory and humility, splendor and gratitude? The further we go into the omer, the closer we get to God, and the more we are asked to encompass seeming contradictions like these within ourselves.

Each week begins with chesed. We need to begin with lovingkindness, because transformation is hard, but it is easier when starting from a place of kindness and compassion. This week, we are reminded that lovingkindness is not as simple as it seems. This day asks us to show lovingkindness at our glorious highs and at our humble lows. It asks us to balance our own splendor with gratitude and to navigate this life with kindness toward ourselves and others.

As we journey through the week of hod, let's embrace the complexities it brings, striving to embody humanity's contradictions and to do so with kindness at the forefront of our actions. In doing so, we not only grow closer to God but also contribute to a world that is more compassionate, beautiful, and kind.

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